IPSR - Volume 40 , Number 5, November 2019


Explaining variation in the implementation of global norms: Gender mainstreaming of security in the OSCE and the EU
Anne Jenichen, Jutta Joachim and Andrea Schneiker

The effects of party identification on perceptions of pledge fulfilment: Evidence from Portugal
Ana Maria Belchior

The more concentrated, the better represented? The geographical concentration of immigrants and their descriptive representation in the  German mixed-member system
Lucas Geese and Diana Schacht

Closer to the state, closer to the polls? The different impact of corruption on turnout among public employees and other citizens
Sabina Haveric, Stefano Ronchi and Laura Cabeza

Education and trust: A tale of three continents
Cecilia G眉emes and Francisco Herreros

Social life and political trust in China: Searching for machers and schmoozers
Yinxuan Huang

Review Article

The securitisation of migration: Its limits and consequences
Krzysztof Jaskulowski