RC30 - Comparative Public Policy


Prof. Michael Mintrom, Monash University

Wellington Rd, Clayton VIC 3800,
Melbourne 3800


Dr. Araz Taeihagh, National University of Singapore

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
Li Ka Shing Building Level 2

Prof. Eva Heidbreder, Otto-von Guericke Universität Magdeburg

Zschokkestr. 32
Magdeburg 39104

Board members

L. Botteriil, Australia
G. Capano , Italy
C.A. Dunlop, UK
I. Geva-May, USA
B. Head, Australia
M. Howlett, Canada
C. Knill, Germany
R. Lejano, USA
M. Ramesh, Singapore
C. Rothmayr-Allison, Canada
K. Weaver, USA
X. Wu, China


Research committee created in 2011.


RC30 conducts theoretically-informed comparative studies of policies and policy processes with the explicit aim of testing and refining existing models and frameworks as well as, where possible, developing new additions to the policy studies literature.

The RC research currently focuses on four areas of work:

  1. The explanation of policy evolution over time,
  2. The examination from a comparative perspective of existing general theories, models and frameworks of policy processes and outcomes from an explicitly comparative perspective,
  3. The examination from a comparative perspective of more specific models and frameworks dealing with, for example,the role(s) or key actors, discourses and structures in the policy process or the operation of specific stages or phases of policy-making activities
  4. The methodological, epistemological and other conceptual aspects pertaining to investigations and theorization of numbers 1-3 above.
