RC25 - Comparative Health Policy


Prof Ryozo Matsuda, College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University

Board members

Vera Schattan Pereira Coelho, Brazilian Centre of Analysis and Planning - CEBRAP, Brazil, veraspc@uol.com.br
Haejoo Chung, Korea University, South Korea, hpolicy@korea.ac.kr
Melissa Haussman, Carleton University, Canada, Melissa.Haussman@carleton.ca
Helen Jordan, The University of Melbourne, Australia, h.jordan@unimelb.edu.au
Monika Steffen, PACTE Social Science Research Center, Grenoble-Alpes University/CNRS, France, monika.steffen@iepg.fr


Recognised as study group in 1984; granted research committee status in 1997.


Takes stock of comparative analyses of health policy studies, and reviews the state of the art in contemporary approaches, methodologies and substantive findings. It addresses options and instruments in health policy including modes of financing, privatisation, corporatist and non-corporatist decision-making, policy networks, self-help, and health promotion. It seeks to compare commonalities over time, place and substance as well as to contrast non-governmental and governmental experiences in organising, financing, regulating and delivering health care services in the ambulatory and the hospital care sector. It also analyses health policy and sustainable development seeking to explore the rewards of investments in human capital and democratic participation in pubic policies for health care.
