RC24 - Armed Forces and Society


Dr. Marybeth P. Ulrich

US Naval War College
Strategy and Policy
4 Seal Island Road
Bristol, RI 02809
United States



Dr. Jose Manuel Ugarte

University of Buenos Aires
Faculty of Law
Avenue Presidente Figueroa Alcorta 2263
C1425 CABA Public Law Department
Buenos Aires, 1425

Prof. Kai Kenkel

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
Center on Democracy and Armed Forces
Rua Gustavo Sampaio 112/303
Rio de Janeiro, 22010-010



Dr. Liliana Filip

Romanian National Defense University
Regional Department of Defense Resource Management Studies
160 Mihail Viteazul Street
Brasov, 500183


Board Members

Prof. Kristina Mani, Oberlin College, USA, kmani@oberlin.edu
Prof Symeon Giannakos, Salve Regina University, USA, symeon.giannakos@salve.edu
Lt. Commander Raphael Do Couto Pereira, Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, USA, rcoutopereira1@gmail.com
Prof Roney Magno de Sousa, Mattos Institute, Brazil, magno.sousa@eb.mil.br
Prof Charles Allen, U.S. Army War College, USA, charles.allen@armywarcollege.edu
Prof Raphael Martinez, University of Barcelona, Spain, rafa.martinez@ub.edu



Recognised as a study group in 1981; granted research committee status in 1986.



Promotes study and research on the armed forces and society. This involves developing an international and cross cultural understanding of military systems, their impact on political systems, and the relationships between peace, war and military systems. It the social structure of the armed forces, with particular attention to their political impact; civil-military relations focusing on the nature and character of political systems, organisational structure of the armed forces, and the political consequences arising from the dynamics between the military and civilian systems; and military experience and traditions including the nature and character of military professionalism, professional education, and the military socialisation process.    

