RC09 - Comparative Judicial Studies


Dr. Rhonda Evans

Department of Government
University of Texas at Austin


Board of Directors

Dr. Simone Benevuti, University of Rome, Italy, simone.benvenuti@uniroma3.it
Dr. Walter Carnota, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, wcarnota@hotmail.com
Dr. Rachel Ellett, Beloit College, USA, ellettr@beloit.edu
Dr. Jodi Finkel, Loyola Maramount University, USA, jodifinkel@yahoo.com
Dante Gatmaytan, University of the Philippines, The Philippines,  dbgatmaytan@up.edu.ph
Mark Rush, Washington and Lee University, USA, rushm@wlu.edu
Dr. Dagmar Soennecken, York University, Canada, dsoennec@yorku.ca
Lydia Tiede, University of Houston, USA, lbtiede@Central.UH.EDU
Michael Tolley, Northeastern University, USA, m.tolley@northeastern.edu
Alexei Trochev, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan, atrochev@hotmail.com



Recognised as research committee in 1973.




Aims to promote the comparative study of judicial processes. This entails analyses of the various components of these processes: the legal profession, the judiciary, courts (as institutions), legal doctrines, legal cultures; and how these components relate to other po-litical institutions and political systems such as executives, legislatures, political parties, constitutions, federalism, political culture.

The ultimate aim is to enhance knowledge of the common and disparate factors among the judicial/political systems of the countries of the world.

