Awards - Karl Deutsch Award

Karl DeutschThe purpose of the Karl Deutsch Award is to honour a prominent scholar engaged in the cross-disciplinary research of which Karl Deutsch was a master, focusing on recognizing outstanding scholarship in the field of global politics. The recipient presents the Karl Deutsch Lecture at the ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø World Congress of Political Science. The Karl Deutsch Lectures are published in the International Political Science Review. The award is made on the recommendation of the ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø Committee on Organization, Procedures and Awards (COPA) and supported by the Karl Deutsch fund. 

Karl Wolfgang Deutsch (1912-1992)

Born in Prague, Karl Deutsch immigrated to the US in the late '30s. He taught at the MIT, Yale, and Harvard. He assumed the role of President of ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø from 1976-79. He was also President of the American Political Science Association and director of the International Institute of Comparative Social Research at the Science Center in Berlin. He passed away in November 1992.

Prize: $1,000 USD (1 recipient)

The prize includes $1,000 USD, economy airfare and registration fee for the upcoming Congress.
The award winner presents a lecture at the upcoming ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø World Congress of Political Science. The Karl Deutsch Lectures are published in the International Political Science Review.
Funding: Karl Deutsch Fund.

The award recipient is to attend the upcoming ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø World Congress and present a lecture to receive the monetary prize. Remote participation will be possible only when the event is fully virtual for the Congress in question. If the award recipient participates virtually, the travel funding will not be provided. If the award recipient participates in a fully virtual Congress, the travel funding will not be provided.

Nomination Procedures

Nominations for the prize can be made by one of the following ways:
   a) by a national association of ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø;
   b) by an ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø Research Committee (RC);
   c) jointly by two or more ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø members in good standing of at least two different nationalities;
   d) by an incumbent ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø Executive Committee (EC) member;
   e) from outside ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø, by established academic institutions active in political science.

Nominations must indicate the merits of the nominee and be accompanied by her/his biography and bibliography or listing of most important scholarly contributions. The nominations should also include letters of recommendation, signed by prominent scholars, as well as evidence on the impact of the nominee’s scholarship as suggested in such indicators as the Social Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, or other appropriate and recognized indicators, over the prior 15 years.

Submitting Nominations

The nomination period for the Karl Deutsch Award is open.

2025 Nomination Form - Karl Deutsch Award

Nomination Deadline: 1 November 2024

Nominations must include the following:

  1. Letter of nomination indicating the merits of the nominee;
  2. Biography and bibliography or listing of most important scholarly contributions of the nominee;
  3. Letter(s) of recommendation, signed by prominent scholar(s);
  4. Evidence on the impact of the nominee’s scholarship as suggested in such indicators as the Social Science Citation Index, Google Scholar, or other appropriate and recognized indicators, over the prior 15 years.

Karl Deutsch Award Recipients

2023 John Coakley -

John Coakley is Emeritus Professor of Politics at University College Dublin, a fellow of the UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy and an Honorary Professor at Queen’s University Belfast. He is a former Secretary-General of the International Political Science Association (1994-2000), Vice-President of the International Social Science Council (2002-2006), and member of the European Science Foundation Standing Committee for the Social Sciences (2002-2008). He is a member of the Royal Irish Academy and was a Woodrow Wilson Scholar and a Fulbright Scholar. He was founding Director of the Institute for British-Irish Studies, UCD (1999).

2021 Jane Mansbridge -

Jane Mansbridge, Charles F. Adams Professor Emeritus at the Harvard Kennedy School, has authored, edited, or co-edited many books and articles on democracy, from her early Beyond Adversary Democracy (1980) to the more recent Deliberative Systems (2012), Political Negotiation (2015), and the Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy (2018).  She received the Johan Skytte Prize in 2018 and was president of the American Political Science Association in 2012-13. Her current work includes studies of representation, democratic deliberation, everyday activism, and the public understanding of free-rider problems.

2018 Robert D. Putnam

Robert D. Putnam is the Peter and Isabel Malkin Professor of Public Policy at Harvard University. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the British Academy, and past president of the American Political Science Association.

In 2006, Putnam received the Skytte Prize, the world's highest accolade for a political scientist, and in 2012, he received the National Humanities Medal, the nation’s highest honor for contributions to the humanities. Notable publications include Making Democracy Work and Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, both among the most cited (and bestselling) social science works in the last half century. His most recent book, Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis, a New York Times bestseller, chronicles the growing gap in opportunity for American youth.

Putnam is now working on a major empirical project about 20th century economic, social and political trends and the implications for American culture.

2016 Rein Taagepera -

Rein Taagepera is professor emeritus at University of California, Irvine, and University of Tartu (Estonia), is the recipient of the Johan Skytte Prize in Political Science, 2008. He has 3 research articles in physics and over 120 in social sciences.

Professor Taagepera is interested in quantitatively predictive logical models in social sciences, to complement empirical data fits, and also in Baltic and Finno-Ugric area studies. His current work deals with predicting the number and size of parties on the basis of electoral systems, and the consequences for government stability. Professor Taagepera has also constructed and tested models for arms races, increase in world population, growth of historical empires, and dependence of foreign trade on population of the country. He has written books on contemporary Baltic history and the Finno-Ugric republics within the Russian Federation. As candidate for President of Estonia (1992), he received 23 % of popular votes. He was founding chair of a new Estonian party (2001-02) which later supplied a prime minister.

Pippa Norris2014 Pippa Norris -

Pippa Norris is a comparative political scientist. She serves as the McGuire Lecturer in Comparative Politics at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, Laureate Research Fellow and Professor of Government and International Relations at the University of Sydney, and Director of the Electoral Integrity project. Her research compares elections and public opinion, democratic institutions and cultures, gender politics, and political communications in countries worldwide. A well-known public speaker and prolific author, she has also directed Democratic Governance at the UNDP in New York and served as an expert consultant for many other international organizations, including the OSCE, World Bank, UNESCO, NDI, and UN Women. She has published more than forty books including, in 2014, Why Electoral Integrity Matters (NY: Cambridge University Press), Advancing Electoral Integrity edited with Richard W. Frank and Ferran Martinez I Coma (NY: Oxford University Press) and Comparing Democracies edited with Lawrence LeDuc and Richard Niemi (4th edition, Sage Publications, UK). Previous honors include award of the 2011 Johan Skytte prize in political science, with Ronald Inglehart, the 2011 Kathleen Fitzpatrick Australian Laureate Fellowship by the Australian Research Council, a ‘special recognition’ award by the UK Political Science Association, and a Doctor honoris causa by the University of Edinburgh. Book awards include the 2006 Doris A. Graber award for the best book in political communications (for A Virtuous Circle) and the Virginia Hodgkinson prize from the Independent Sector (for Sacred and Secular). Details are at .

Alfred Stepan2012 Alfred Stepan -

Alfred Stepan is the Wallace Sayre Professor of Government at Columbia University.  Previously he was a Fellow of All Souls College and the Gladstone  Professor of Government  at Oxford University, the first Rector and President of Central European University in Budapest, and a Professor at Yale. His books, translated into over ten languages, include: Rethinking Military Politics: Changing Patterns in BrazilState and SocietyArguing Comparative Politics; with Juan J. Linz, Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Southern Europe, South America and Post-Communist Europe; and with Linz and Yogendra Yadav, Crafting State Nations; India and Other Multinational Democracies (2011).  In the last year he has published articles on inequality in the USA in Perspectives on Politics; on the transition in Tunisia in Journal of Democracy; on Senegalese rituals of respect in Comparative Politics; and two co-edited volumes, Rethinking Religion and World Affairs, and Democracy, Islam, and Secularism in Turkey.  He is an elected fellow of the British Academy and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Giovanni Sartori2009 Giovanni Sartori

Giovanni Sartori is Emeritus Professor of Political Science at Columbia University, New York. Professor Sartori has made lasting contributions to the fields of democratic theory, party systems, and constitutional engineering. A member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, he has been awarded of several prizes, including the Outstanding Book Award of the American Political Science Association. His most recent publications include La democrazia in trenta lezioni, edited by Lorenza Foschini (Mondadori 2008), Mala costituzione e altri malanni (Laterza 2006), Semantics, Concepts and Comparative Method  edited by S. Sepheriades, (Papazisis, Greek edition 2005) and  Mala tempora (Laterza, fifth reprint 2004).He served as Dean of the Department of Political Science of the University of Florence from 1969 to 1972, then as Albert Schweitzer Professor in the Humanities at Columbia University from 1979 to 1994, and was later appointed Professor Emeritus. He also has taught at Stanford, Yale, and Harvard University.

See the Karl Deutsch lecture at the 2009 ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø World Congress of Political Science in Santiago, Chile:

Charles Tilly2006 Charles Tilly

Charles Tilly's work focuses on large-scale social change and its relationship to contentious politics, especially in Europe since 1500. His most recently published books are Extending Citizenship, Reconfiguring States (co-edited with Michael Hanagan, Rowman & Littlefield, 1999), How Social Movements Matter (co-edited with Marco Giugni & Doug McAdam, University of Minnesota Press, 1999), Dynamics of Contention (co-authored with Doug McAdam & Sidney Tarrow, Cambridge University Press, 2001), and Silence and Voice in the Study of Contentious Politics (co-authored with Ronald Aminzade et al., Cambridge University Press, 2001). He has recently completed Stories, Identities, and Political Change (Rowman & Littlefield 2002), The Politics of Collective Violence (Cambridge University Press, scheduled for 2003), and Contention and Democracy in Europe, 1650-2000 (under review at Cambridge University Press). He is currently co-authoring Politics, Exchange, and Social Life in World History (Wadsworth). He is also helping run the Russian Academy of Sciences - National Academy of Sciences collaborative project on conflict in multi-ethnic societies.

Juan Linz Photo2003 Juan Linz

Juan Linz, Ph.D., Columbia University, 1959, is Sterling Professor Emeritus of Political and Social Science, is former Chairman of the Committee on Political Sociology of the International Sociological Association and the International Political Science Association. He has been a Guggenheim Fellow and Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study and at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, holds honorary doctorates from the Universities of Georgetown, Granada, Autónoma de Madrid and Marburg, Universidad del Pais Vasco; in 1987 was awarded the Premio Principe de Asturias in the social sciences and in 1996 the Johan Skyte Prize in Political Sciences, Academia Europaea and Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. His publications include Crisis, Breakdown and Reequilibration, an introductory volume to The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes; "Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes"; Problems of a Democratic Transition and Consolidation. Southern Europe, South America and Post-Communist Europe, with Alfred Stepan; The Failure of Presidential Democracy; Sultanistic Regimes, with Houchang Chehabi; Robert Michels. Political Sciology and the Future of Democracy. Conflicto en Euskadi; and essays and monographs on Spanish politics and society in edited volumes. His research on the sociology of fascist movements has been published in Reader's Guide to Fascism and Who Were the Fascists? and he is co-editor (with L. Diamond and S. M. Lipset) of a four-volume work Democracy in Developing Countries. His writings have been translated into Spanish, Italian, German, French, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Turkish.

Jean Laponce Photo2000 Jean Laponce

Né à Decize sur Loire, Jean Laponce, après des études à l’Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris et à l’Université de Californie de Los Angeles, enseigna à l’Université de la Colombie Britannique dont il est professeur émérite. Il enseigna aussi à l’Université d’Ottawa et à l’Université Aiki Shukutoku de Nagoya. Il fut membre du Comité exécutif de l’¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø de 1966 à 1972 et président de 1973 à 1976. Il rejoignit John Meisel comme co-directeur de publication de l’IPSR en 1985. Il est l’auteur de The Protection of Minorities, 1961 ; The Government of France under the Fifth Republic, 1962, People vs Politics, 1970; Left and Right, 1981; Langue et territoire, 1984 (translated and revised as Languages and Their Territories, 1987); Loi de Babel et autres régularités des rapports entre langue et politique, 2006; Le Référendum de Souveraineté, 2010. Il fut, avec Jean Gottmann, co-fondateur du comité de recherche Géographie et Politique, lança un comité de recherche consacrée à l’expérimentation en science politique, comité de recherche qui périclita, et lança enfin le comité Langue et politique qui lui se porte bien.

Gabriel Almond1997 Gabriel Almond

Gabriel Almond taught at Brooklyn College (now the City University of New York) from 1939 to 1942. With U.S. entry into World War II, Almond joined the Office of War Information, analyzing enemy propaganda, and becoming head of its Enemy Information Section. After the war, Almond worked for the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey in post-war Germany.

Almond returned to academic life in 1947 and taught at Yale (1947–1950) and (1959–1963), Princeton (1950–1959), and Stanford University (1963–1993). He was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1961. He was chair of the political science department at Stanford from 1964 to 1969 and spent time as a visiting professor at the universities of Tokyo, Belo Horizonte in Brazil, and Kiev. Although Almond retired in 1976 and became an emeritus professor at Stanford, he continued to write and teach until his death on December 25, 2002.

Almond chaired the Social Science Research Council's Committee on Comparative Politics for many years and was president of the American Political Science Association (APSA) for 1965-66. In 1981, he received APSA's James Madison Award, which is given to a political scientist who has made a "distinguished scholarly contribution" during his or her career. Almond was the first recipient of the Karl Deutsch Award.