Possible Merger of the ICSU and the ISSC

Possible Merger of the ICSU and the ISSC

Publication date: Wed, 18 Jan 2017

The International Council for Science (ICSU) and International Social Science Council (ISSC) announced the full list of members of the Strategy Working Group (SWG) and Transition Task Force (TTF) that will develop modalities for a possible merger of the two councils.

Following an in-principle vote in favour of a merger by members of ISSC and ICSU at a joint meeting in October 2016, the two organizations’ members mandated the TTF to develop a proposed structure and governance arrangements for the future organization resulting from a possible merger. ICSU and ISSC members further agreed to develop the SWG in order to prepare a high-level strategy for the new organization.

For more information on the ISSC website, please