International Political Science Review (IPSR)

International Political Science Review (IPSR)


Publication date: Nov 2018

ISNN: 0192-5121

Sage Publication


Informal Networks and Judicial Institutions: Comparative Perspectives
Guest Editor: Björn Dressel, Raul Sanchez-Urribarri and Alexander Stroh

Editorial Introduction
Courts and informal networks: Towards a relational perspective on judicial politics outside Western democracies
Björn Dressel, Raul Sanchez-Urribarri and Alexander Stroh

Who are judicial decisions meant for? The ‘global community of law’ in Southern Africa
Peter Brett

Sustaining and jeopardising a credible arbiter: Judicial networks in Benin’s consolidating democracy
Alexander Stroh

Informal networks and judicial decisions: Insights from the Supreme Court of the Philippines, 1986–2015
Björn Dressel and Tomoo Inoue

The moral economy of guanxi and the market of corruption: Networks, brokers and corruption in China’s courts
Ling Li

Anatomy of an informal institution: The ‘Gentlemen’s Pact’ and judicial selection in Mexico, 1917–1994
Andrea Pozas-Loyo and Julio Ríos-Figueroa

Patronal politics, judicial networks and collective judicial autonomy in post-Soviet Ukraine
Alexei Trochev

Research Report
Three decades of the International Political Science Review (IPSR): A map of the methodological preferences in IPSR articles
Enzo Lima, Melina Morschbacher and Paulo Peres

Review Article
The contributions of Jean A. Laponce to political science
William Safran