The Economic Research Guardian (Online journal)

The Economic Research Guardian (Online journal)


Publication date: Jan 2011

ISNN: ISSN: 2247-8531

The Economic Research Guardian Weissberg SRL

Year 2011, Vol. 1(1) -
Fernando Estrada - The Power To Tax: A Lecture of Hayek
Raveesh Krishnankutty - A Panel Data Analysis on Retail Inventory Productivity
Mihai Mutascu, Anne-Marie Fleischer - Shadow Economy and Tax Evasion: A Panel VAR Approach. The Case of E.U.27
Subhadip Mukherjee - An Econometric Analysis on Organized and Unorganized Retail Share
Suresh K.G., Mukund Kumar - Examining The Income Convergence Among Indian States: A Panel Data Approach 