Czech Political Science Review (Politologická revue)

Czech Political Science Review (Politologická revue)


Publication date: Jan 2016

ISNN: 1211-0353

Czech Political Science Association (Česká společnost pro politické vědy)

In this issue: ARTICLES Why institutions? We are indeed all decent people! Causes, consequences and solutions of distrust in representative bodies in the Czech Republic Karel B. Müller Šumava National Park and its municipalities: The case of post-material cleavages? Karoína Musilová What do parties share on Facebook? An analysis of Czech political parties' posts before 2010 and 2013 elections Ondřej Klapal RESEARCH NOTES State capacity and violence in civil war: Counterintuitive evidence from Colombia Krzysztof Krakowski Francis' mental map of insufficient human dignity constructed through messages Urbi et Orbi Jana Hovorková BOOK REVIEWS