Central European Political Studies Review

Central European Political Studies Review


Publication date: Jul 2017

ISNN: 1212-7817


The Strength of Instability: Voter Volatility in Slovak General Election

Oľga Gyárfášová, Miloslav Bahna, Martin Slosiarik

Voter policy emphasis and party electoral manifestos: Assessing parties’ reflections of voter policy shifts in the 2010 and 2013 Czech parliamentary elections¨

Lenka Homolková

The Possibilities and Limits of Applying the Concept of Postmaterial Cleavage on Sub-State Levels

Karolína Musilová


Miroslav Novák a kol.: Strany, volby a demokracie: Od Duvergera, k Sartorimu a dale

Daniel Kerekes

Aletta J. Norval: Averzivní demokracie: Dědictví a originalita v demokratické tradici

Marián Sekerák

Peter Emerson: From Majority Rule to Inclusive Politics. Electing a Power-Sharing Coalition

Roman Chytilek