Brazilian Political Science Review

Brazilian Political Science Review


Publication date: Jan 2016

ISNN: 1981-3821

Brazilian Political Science Association

Brazilian Political Science Review Vol.10 No.2 São Paulo 2016 Articles · Reading Freedom from the Theme of Oppression Elias, Maria Ligia Ganacim Granado Rodrigues · Unionism, the Decision-Making Process and Social Security Reform in Brazil Silva, Sidney Jard da · Brazilian Political Institutions: an Inconclusive Debate Palermo, Vicente · Does Size Matter? Electoral Performance of Small Parties in Brazil Nascimento, Willber; Silva Jr, José Alexandre da; Paranhos, Ranulfo; Silva, Denisson; Figueiredo Filho, Dalson Britto · Is trade good for development? The elusive question Schor, Adriana · Unboxing the Active Role of the Legislative Power in Brazil Freitas, Andréa Marcondes de · The subject of social justice: a defence of the basic structure of society Lucca-Silveira, Marcos Paulo de Research Note · Measuring Presidential Dominance over Cabinets in Presidential Systems: Constitutional Design and Power Sharing Araújo, Victor; Silva, Thiago; Vieira, Marcelo Book Reviews · Brazil's Emerging Role in Global Governance: Health, Food Security and Bioenergy Donadelli, Flávia · Political Representation in Times of Bailout: Evidence from Greece and Portugal Borba, Julian