Political Science in Central Europe in the Time of Pandemic

Political Science in Central Europe in the Time of Pandemic

Edited by : Arkadiusz Żukowski,
Maciej Hartliński ,
and Miro Haček

Release date: Dec 2021

Number of pages: 95

This collective monograph is an attempt to present and analyse the situation in which researchers, students and universities found themselves at the start of the pandemic in March 2020 and later until October 2021. Our main goal is to present and assess the first signs of coping with the new situation, online learning and attempts to return to regular activity while adapting to new conditions.

The focus will be put on various aspects related to education, research and academic institutions. We wish to collect texts presenting the experience and conclusions based on conducting classes and research in this difficult period in particular countries of our region. That is why the aim is to prepare texts that are descriptive rather than analytical in their character. The collection of articles
is intended to provide a better insight into the problems that political scientists in particular countries have had to face.

The preliminary version of the publication, addressing the diversity of ways of dealing with the above issues, was discussed during the Round Table on Political Science in Central Europe During the Pandemic, as a special panel of an international scientific conference: The 25th Annual Conference of Central European Political Science Association “Challenges to Democracy: Political Processes in Central and Eastern Europe” organized by the Central European Political Science Association in cooperation with the Polish Political Science Association, the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Institute of Political Science, under the honorary patronage of the Marshal of Warmia and Mazury, financed by the Ministry of Education and Science (co-financed by the “Excellent Science” programme of the Minister of Education and Science). The session was held in Olsztyn on 17-19 November 20211.

Particular chapters were prepared according to a scheme which had been previously developed to aid the authors in the writing process and facilitate comparative analyses readers may perform. Nevertheless, the editors decided to grant the authors a certain amount of freedom so that it was possible to capture the specificity and individual perspective on the situation in a given country
better. All of the selected countries are located in Central Europe: Austria, Czechia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.



1. How to manage political science in Central Europe in the time of pandemic?
Arkadiusz Żukowski, Maciej Hartliński, Miro Haček

2. Political science in Central Europe in the time of pandemic. The case of Austria
Karin Liebhart

3. Political science in the Czech Republic in the time of pandemic
Stanislav Balík, Michal Kubát 

4. The challenges and effects of the COVID-19 crisis on political science in Hungary
Krisztina Arató, Boglárka Koller 

5. Political science in Lithuania during the pandemic: Lay of the land
Mindaugas Jurkynas, Šarūnas Liekis, Aistė Deimantaitė

6. Political science in Poland in the time of pandemic
Arkadiusz Żukowski, Maciej Hartliński 

7. Political science in Slovakia and the Covid-19 pandemics
Juraj Marušiak

8. Political science in Central Europe in time of pandemic: Case of Slovenia
Miro Haček

9. List of contributors