O Papel do Congresso Nacional no presidencialismo de coalizão (in Portuguese)

O Papel do Congresso Nacional no presidencialismo de coalizão (in Portuguese)

Edited by : José Álvaro Moisés

Release date: Jan 2011

Fundação Konrad Adenauer and Núcleo de Pesquisa de Políticas Públicas

Number of pages: 134

ISBN: 978-85-7504-158-1

The book discusses in its 8 chapters the performance of the Brazilian National Congress in the context of the so-called coalitional presidentialism. It is based on data of the voting process mainly of the Chamber of Deputies during the period between 1995 and 2006. Adopting the perspective of the quality of democracy, the books exams the limitations imposed by the structure of the Brazilian multiparty presidentialism to the role of the National Congress, particularly, in relation to its function of political representation and of part of the system of horizontal accountability. The book also exams the performance of the Congress in areas of two important public policies, international relations and criminality and security; and advances the discussion about the role of Parliamentarian Investigative Committees (CPIs) and the ministerial formation for the functioning of coalitional presidentialism. The books presents the results of an academic research developed during 2009/2010 at the Center for Public Policy Research, under the direction of José Álvaro Moisés.