Managing Intractable Conflicts: Lessons from Moldova and Cyprus

Managing Intractable Conflicts: Lessons from Moldova and Cyprus

Edited by : Mensur Akg眉n

Release date: Jan 2013

Istanbul K眉lt眉r University

Number of pages: 120

ISBN: 978-605-4763-05-4

Stakeholders involved in negotiations would often argue that international as well as intra-state conflicts are difficult to resolve particularly due to the devil hidden in the details. This publication aims to shed light on some of those details and also larger challenges that have made it impossible to agree on lasting solutions for the respective conflicts in Cyprus and Moldova despite the numerous years of effort by the parties involved. In addition to providing individual accounts of the situation in Cyprus and Moldova, this book also addresses the two conflicts from a comparative perspective and offers a set of policy oriented recommendations. Prepared by a team of international experts from Greece, Moldova, Turkey, the United States of America and both parts of Cyprus, this publication is the outcome of the "Searching for New Conflict Resolution Strategies: Lessons from the Case of Cyprus" project. This project was supported by a grant from the Open Society Foundations and the East East Beyond Borders Program of the Soros Foundation-Moldova and implemented by the Global Political Trends Center of Istanbul K眉lt眉r University in collaboration with the Foreign Policy Association of Moldova between April 2012 and April 2013. The book can be downloaded from .