IPSR - Volume 45, Number 4, September 2024

Original Research Articles
The relative effectiveness of overlapping international institutions: European Union versus United Nations regulations of air pollution
Andreas Kokkvoll Tveit and Vegard Tørstad

Do aid projects from World Bank and China impact state legitimacy differently? An exploratory analysis in Tanzania
Iku Yoshimoto

The public legitimacy of elite athletes’ political activism: German survey evidence 
Henk Erik Meier, Markus Gerke, Swantje Müller and Michael Mutz

Who reduces political trust after experiencing corruption? Introducing the role of personality traits
Felicia Robertson

The making of female politicians: Why political identity matters 
Dina Refki and Sue Faerman

Online censorship and young people’s use of social media to get news 
Pauline Lemaire

Time to go: Paths of term limit resilience in sub-Saharan Africa
Andrea Cassani and Luca Tomini

People’s sense of political representation and national stories: The case of Israel
Yael R Kaplan, Tamir Sheafer, Israel Waismel-Manor and Shaul R Shenhav

Don’t put a ring on it: Gender stereotypes in citizens’ preferences for executive positions
Sílvia Claveria and Sebastián Lavezzolo