World Congress - Santiago 2009

The 21st ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø World Congress of Political Science held in Santiago, Chile from July 12 to 16, 2009 drew 2,119 participants, not including staff, guests, and exhibitors. Participants from 70 countries came to share their ideas and discuss the event’s main theme, “Global Discontent? Dilemmas of change.†

Women played a significant role in the event, representing 37% of registered participants. Students accounted for 26% of congress participants.

Members of ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø research committees and individual members of ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø organized over 600 panels, for a busy academic program that often included up to 35 simultaneous sessions.

Congress Theme

Global Discontent? Dilemmas of change.

Globalization has certainly strengthened the link between domestic and international politics. In our efforts to understand and give meaning to political phenomena, we are increasingly forced to take into account a greater number of factors, many emanating from the global system. The fact that the economic cri[1]sis has provided for opportunities for national systems to reassert themselves against the challenges of the global does not negate the reality that the integration of the global economy continues to be a major determinant in influencing what hap[1]pens in domestic politics.

The focus of the congress theme is dilemmas of change. Change is sometimes planned; sometimes it happens. It is inevitable and usually unstoppable. Some of its outcomes are welcome while others are found to be undesirable. All societies, all political systems try to cope with change. In addition to national efforts, it does seem that we shall be increasingly forced to engage in international cooperation since change is no longer confined to single systems. Currently our method of dealing with questions of an international nature and scope is by creating multinational organizations comprising member nation states. These units move slowly and usually manage to achieve the lowest common denominator. As more and more problems we encounter exhibit a global nature, we may rightly question whether we need new ways of organizing to meet the challenges that need to be addressed at a higher level than nation-states.

The main congress themes are:

  • International Relations
  • Comparative Politics
  • Political Sociology
  • Political Economy
  • Political Theory
  • Public Policy
  • Gender Studies

We invite you to share your research on the reshaping of power and shifting boundaries at the World Congress of the International Political Science Association, in Santiago in 2009.

Photos and Videos


Please visit our to view or download photos of the 21st ¶¡Ïã³ÉÈËÉçÇø World Congress.

Photo credit: International Political Science Association.


Opening Speech


Special Sessions












Award Sessions






