


Publication date: Jun 2020

ISNN: 2414-6633

International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS)

IAPSS Politikon is committed to demonstrating that Political Science has a lot to contribute to the analysis of the phenomena and issues in a world in turmoil. Volume 45 presents research into aspects of some of the most pertinent developments of our age, using the full range of publication formats (articles, review essays, research notes, book reviews).

Beyza Sarıkoç Yıldırım analyses municipal action plans that address climate change in Turkey. Ilia Viatkin invites us to reflect on the variables that explain the unexpected increase in voting for the German Green party during the 2019 European Parliament elections in the German East and the West. Peter Wedekind presents a review essay which emphasises the usefulness of the principles of liberalism in order to safeguard liberal democracies. Clara Ribeiro Assumpção's research note explores the tense relationship between intelligence services and democracy, which appears more conflictive in contexts in which there has been a shift from authoritarian regimes to consolidating democracies. In another research note, Serena Alonso García reflects on the 2014 Hepatitis C crisis that occurred in Spain, as a case in which the collective interest gave way to private interests. Sukhayl Niyazov reviews Harry Frankfurt’s book On Inequality.


Original Articles

by Beyza Sarıkoç Yıldırım

by Ilia Viatkin

Review Essay

by Peter Wedekind

Research Notes

by Clara Ribeiro Assumpção

by Serena Alonso García

Book Review

by Sukhayl Niyazov