


Publication date: Jan 2010

ISNN: 1583-3984

International Association of Political Science Students

Contents – Volume 16, Number 1. October 2010 -Articles- Public Opinion Research in Political Science Francesco Olmastroni, University of Siena, Italy 7 Neoconservatism and American Foreign Policy Stephen McGlinchey, Cardiff University, Wales, United Kingdom 21 East Asian Regionalism: Origins, Development and Prospects for the Future J. Ryan Davis, George Washington University, United States of America 34 Northern Ireland and Israel-Palestine: Spoilers and the Politics of Inclusion A comparative analysis of peace processes Orla Ní Cheallacháin, Aberystwyth University, Wales, United Kingdom 50 -Interview feature- The Work and Wisdom of… Philippe Schmitter Benoit Monange 66 -Book reviews- Rodriguez, Robyn Magalit. Migrants for Export: How the Philippine State Brokers Labor to the World. By Liberty Chee, National University of Singapore 71 Kasuya, Yuko and Quimpo, Nathan Gilbert, eds. The Politics of Change in the Philippines. By Raymund John P. Rosuelo, University of Makati, the Philippines 73 Klein, Axel. Drugs and the World By David Alexander Robinson, Edith Cowan University, Australia 75 Ehrhart, Hans-Georg and Pentland, Charles C., eds. The Afghanistan Challenge: Hard Realities and Strategic Choices By Ilyas Saliba, University of Hamburg, Germany 77 Coll, Steve. Ghost Wars: A Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001. By Katherine Errington, University of Auckland, New Zealand 79 * Notes on contributors 82 Call for papers 83