Political Insight

Political Insight


Publication date: Jan 2010

Wiley Blackwell

In this Issue

Spin is Dead! Long Live Spin

New Labour’s malignant culture of spin undermined and devalued British politics. In the wake of the expenses scandal and the Con-Lib coalition, the media needs to stop blindly following government spin doctors and start putting politicians under serious and repeated scrutiny,
writes Helen Wilkinson.
Although I never realised it at the time, I was one of the [...]


  • Foresight: Can the Climate Change Consensus Hold Up?

    Ahead of November’s international conference in Mexico, Andrew Jordan and Tim Rayner report on the re-emergence of climate change in British politics.

  • Country focus: Japan

    A year ago the Democratic Party of Japan won a historic election victory; now it is fighting for its political life. Robert Aspinall reports on Japan’s political and economic travails.

  • Syria’s Diversified Options

    US–Syrian relations are still strained, but president Bashar al-Asad has wasted no time in building new alliances with Iran, Iraq, and even Russia, writes Robin Yassin-Kassab.

  • The Crisis of European Social Democracy

    Henning Meyer reports from a major pan- European debate on the problems facing centre-left parties and offers some potential solutions.

  • Electoral Reform: A Vote for Change?

    For the first time in decades, voting reform is a real possibility in the UK. Simon Hix, Ron Johnston and Iain McLean outline the proposed changes.

  • Difficult Days: President Obama’s Domestic Policy

    From healthcare reform to energy policy, Barack Obama has struggled to push through his domestic agenda. David McKay reflects on a testing first 18 months in office.

  • The Least Worst Option? The Pros and Cons of Coalition Government

    Can coalition government really work? Françoise Boucek analyses the arguments for and against and asks how long the Con-Lib alliance can last.

  • The New Politics? 2010 General Election in Retrospect

    Behind the headlines, the big story of May’s election is the continuing demise of Britain’s two-party system, writes John Curtice.

  • In the News

    GM crops sow discord in Europe; Lib Dem conference looks back; A politician’s year; Democracy in China.