Las Torres de Lucca

Las Torres de Lucca


Publication date: Jan 2012

Grupo de Investigación Ética, Política y Derechos Humanos en la sociedad tecnológica

Las Torres de Lucca International Journal of Political Philosophy We are pleased to announce the second issue (Nº1) of the New International Journal of Political Philosophy Las Torres de Lucca (The Towers of Luca) edited and published by the Universidad Complutense of Madrid. Las Torres de Lucca is an electronic peer reviewed journal of political philosophy whose main aim is to give voice to contemporary concerns in political and economic philosophy. We want to offer a platform to rethink our political institutions and their competencies; to redefine our goals and means in a complex outgrowing environment. We want to discuss the ethical commitments and responsibilities of economic institutions; to integrate the public opinion in the different EU States; to open a forum to discuss the role of democracy in strong religiously tainted nations. And, of course, we are open to all related theoretic topics in the political arena and other intertwined fields (political economy, philosophy of history, psychology, sociology and, to a lesser extent, other sciences). It is a theoretic publication with a strong practical concern. The journal is directed towards the academic environment and designed for the specialized reader; but the publication also aspires to awaken the interest in the reader who is not technically formed in these disciplines, but is interested by the public questions that inevitably affect them. The scope of the journal will be international. Articles will be published in Spanish and English and original articles in French, Portuguese, Italian, or German will be accepted as exceptions (depending on quality and relevance), translated into Spanish or English and published in a bilingual format. We invite the submission of articles in electronic format for our next issue, to come out in January 2013, thus fulfilling our commitment to biannual publication. The papers should be addressed to For further information please see our website. The contents of the second issue Nº 1 are: Citizenship and the market economy. Or: what is really systemically important in democracy? LUTZ WINGERT, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich On the importance of getting things done JANE MANSBRIDGE, Harvard John F. Kennedy School of Government Libertarians and the Catholic Church on Intellectual Property Laws JAY MUKHERJEE / WALTER E. BLOCK , Loyola University New Orleans, USA. Immunity community, bio-politics ROBERTO ESPOSITO, Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, Italia Malpractice, corruption and judgments of professional ethics DAMIÁN SALCEDO MEGALES, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Reseñas/Reviews Butler, Judith. Violencia de Estado, guerra, resistencia. Por una nueva política de la izquierda. JUAN ANTONIO FERNÁNDEZ MANZANO, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Bailyn, Bernard. Los orígenes ideológicos de la Revolución norteamericana. RICARDO CUEVA FERNÁNDEZ, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Despedida al maestro Arturo Andrés Roig (1922 – 2012) SAMUEL CHABANCHIK/ HUGO E. BIAGINI/ ENRIQUE DUSSEL Envío de originales/Information for Authors The Towers of Lucca, Journal of Political Philosophy , Edition: Grupo de Investigación UCM: Ética, Política y Derechos Humanos en la Sociedad Tecnológica Departamento de Filosofía del Derecho, Moral y Política Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Ciudad Universitaria, 28040, Madrid, Spain