Brazilian Political Science Review

Brazilian Political Science Review


Publication date: Jan 2016

ISNN: 1981-3821

Brazilian Political Science Association

Articles · Oversized Government Coalitions in Latin America Meireles, Fernando · The Public and Private Spheres, Sociopolitical Integration and the Demands of Difference: the Responses of Multiculturalism Carvalho, Bruno Sciberras · Personality, Political Attitudes and Participation in Protests: The Direct and Mediated Effects of Psychological Factors on Political Activism Ribeiro, Ednaldo Aparecido; Borba, Julian · Corporate Dependence in Brazil's 2010 Elections for Federal Deputy Mancuso, Wagner Pralon; Figueiredo Filho, Dalson Britto; Speck, Bruno Wilhelm; Silva, Lucas Emanuel Oliveira; Rocha, Enivaldo Carvalho da · How Important is Twitter to Local Elections in Brazil? A Case Study of Fortaleza City Council Marques, Francisco Paulo Jamil; Mont’Alverne, Camila · Foreign aid and the governance of international financial organizations: the Brazilian-bloc case in the IMF and the World Bank Apolinário Junior, Laerte · High-level Federal Bureaucracy and Policy Formulation: the Case of the Bolsa Família Program Andrade, Fabio Pereira de; Lima-Silva, Fernanda Book Reviews · The Neo-Gramscian School to International Political Economy, Passive Revolution and Globalization Mendonça, Filipe · Brazilian Engagement in Africa Mitchell, Chanika · Bureaucracy and Policy Implementation Souza, Celina · The Politics of Market Discipline in Latin America: Globalization and Democracy Pinheiro, Flávio · On Parties, Party Systems and Democracy: Selected Writings of Peter Mair Nicolau, Jairo · Contested Epidemics: Policy Response in Brazil and the U.S. and what the BRICS Can Learn Vaitsman, Jeni