Brazilian Political Science Review

Brazilian Political Science Review


Publication date: Jan 2016

Brazilian Political Science Association

· Modernization Without Change: Decision-Making Process in the Mercosur Parliament Medeiros, Marcelo de Almeida; Mota, Mariana Hipólito Ramos; Meunier, Isabel · Elite Framing of Inequality in the Press: Brazil and Uruguay Compared López, Matias · Emerging Powers and the Notion of International Responsibility: moral duty or shifting goalpost? Kenkel, Kai Michael; Martins, Marcelle Trote · 'Break-In Parties' and Changing Patterns of Democracy in Latin America Kestler, Thomas; Lucca, Juan Bautista; Krause, Silvana · U.S. International Agricultural Trade Policy: Interests, Institutions and Information in the Corn Supply Chain Thomaz, Laís Forti; Oliveira, Marcelo Fernandes de · The Stratification of Diversity: Measuring the Hierarchy of Brazilian Political Science Leite, Fernando · Japanese International Relations: an assessment of the 1971-2011 period Malafaia, Thiago Corrêa