Yearbook of International Organizations

Yearbook of International Organizations

Edited by : Union of International Associations

Release date: Jan 2015

Publisher: Brill

ISBN: 978 90 04 27473 0 (6 vol set)

Published annually

The Yearbook of International Organizations includes detailed information on over 37,000 active and 30,000 dormant international organizations from 300 countries and territories - including intergovernmental (IGOs) and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs). Approximately 1,200 new organizations are added each year.

The Yearbook is a trusted tool for studies and research in all subjects of civil society activities, including Political Science, Law, International Studies, International Relations, Sociology, Demography and Peace Studies.

Information on all 67,000 organizations in the Yearbook is edited by an editorial staff and presented in a standardized format to facilitate comparison of different organizations.

Available as an online database and in print